Human Excellence Training Center
(A Project of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari)

Excellence through Expansion -
Excellence is the expression of the best that is in an individual. This expression happens naturally when an individual begins living for something bigger than himself. This gradual expansion is from Individual to Family to Society to Nation to Creation. These are the expanding circles of consciousness which lead to Excellence. Hence, Excellence through Expansion.
Human Excellence Training Center is a project of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari – a spiritually oriented service mission – which is serving the nation since 1972 through its over 220 branch centers including 65 schools and 4 hospitals. Its thrust areas are Education, Culture and Sustainable Development.
Human Excellence Training Center is located at Hyderabad, India, in sprawling three acre greenery and natural surroundings, near the historic Golconda Fort, at the banks of Musi River. An ideal place for introspection and insight, it has the potential in itself to transform lives for better.
Human Excellence Training Center imparts training to Industries, Businesses, Organizations, Educational Institutions, Families, Women, Youth and Students.
These training programs are residential and non-residential. Programs are conducted at Center’s premises “Kaushalam” and also at the client’s premises.
Programs by the Center:
“Beyond Success” – a transformational workshop.
A three-day residential/non-residential program for the industries, businesses and organizations to help the managers/employees. Based on the timeless spiritual findings of Swami Vivekananda, who himself was an epitome of success, and went beyond success to make himself relevant for all at all times, this workshop can help your middle management and above to re-align their lives to the original direction and help them individually as a person, and organizationally as an executive to grow and contribute more effectively and happily to the organizational goal.
A three-day residential/non-residential program for the industries, businesses and organizations to help the managers/employees to own up the organizational mission and work with greater effectivity resulting in increased productivity and happiness. It includes insightful talks and interactive sessions
A two day residential/non-residential program for educational institutions and training organizations to help the teachers/trainers to know and apply their real power in their highly potential profession. It includes inspiring interactive lecture sessions and allied activities.
A two day residential/non-residential program for young couples to look at their married life with the right perspective and its original aims, and to live the happy and contented life of togetherness. A must for today’s threatened values of life.
Pariksha de hanste hanste (Let us play Exam! Exam!!) :
A five day non-residential program for school and college students to help them look at the exams with the right spirit and face them in the right frame of mind for effective performance in exams in particular and life in general. Highly popular amongst the students. Also it’s a tool for personality development.
- Apart from this, short non-residential programs for Work-life balance, Productivity, Conflict in work place, Ethical leadership, Inter-relationships, Corporate-communication, Organization building, Time-Energy management, Goal setting, Emotional Management and Synergy are available.

Faculty is drawn from the academic, business, judiciary, professional, social-service, administrative, corporate and allied fields.
Fee structure:
As per the program.
The campus of Human Excellence Training Center is called “Kaushalam”meaning skill in action. Its three acres are filled with lush green trees and natural undulations.
“Kaushalam” has residential facility for 60 participants. Rooms are all attached with all basic facilities.
“Kaushalam” has its own water purification plant and a kitchen which can cook organic and traditional foods. The milk comes from the famous indigenous breed of cows – Gir.
Contact us:
Resident Manager
Human Excellence Training Center,
Vivekananda Kendra,
“Kaushalam”, Bairagiguda, Hydershakote,