About 60 senior workers’ and well-wisher’s attended the function. Which consisted of invocation, prayers, bhajans and reflections. Dr. Kamala Jay Raoji a senior devotee of Shri Ramkrishna Vivekananda movement was honored on the occasion. She gave a thought provoking and inspiring talk on Holy Mother. A good quantity of Rice was collected for Annadana- which is given to a leprosy home. About 50 old destitute women received clothing’s under Vastradana. It is decided to organize the Annadana every month
Holy Mother Sarada Devi’s 154th birthday
was celebrated on 22nd Dec. 2007
with following programme.
10 to 11.30 am– Annapuja & Chanting of Lalita Sahsranamam
11.30 to 1pm- Vastradanam for ladies
1 pm — Lunch break
5.30 to 6.00 pm— Invocation
6.00 to 6.30 pm Bhajans
6.30 to 7.00 pm– Speech by Dr.Kamala Jayarao on Life and message of Holy Mother
7.00 to 7.30 pm Namassumanjali & Pushpanjali
7.30 Books and Prasad Distribution